NDIS Support Services Queensland

STA and Respite


NDIS Support Services Queensland

STA and Respite

What is STA and respite?

Short Term Accommodation (STA) or respite is temporary care of loved ones that you can utilise when you want a holiday or break from your current living situation.

We can utilise STA funding when you are transitioning into a new SIL arrangement and would like a trial period. 

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What do NDIS STA fees include?


Meals and drinks




Meals and drinks



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Confused about the process or how to apply for STA and respite funding?

Support Services Queensland can assist you with planning your stay, including itinerary, activities, meal plan assistance, and more.

Our team can provide emergency STA options in times of crisis or hardship

Refer to your NDIS plan to determine if you have access to STA funding. You can discuss your STA needs with your local area coordinator or support coordinator.

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