NDIS Support Services Queensland

Support Coordination

NDIS Support Services Queensland

Support Coordination

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What is an NDIS support coordinator?

A support coordinator is a funded point of connection for the participant. Their role includes assisting participants to develop their knowledge and experience as well as assisting them with making connections in their community. 

Support Services Queensland strives to provide high quality support coordination to its service users.

Participants (and families) seeking support coordination will be supported to build the participant’s (or family’s) capacity to manage relationships, manage service delivery tasks, live more independently and be included in their community. 


Specialist NDIS support coordination

A higher level of support coordination whose situation is more complex and requires specialist support. A specialist support coordinator will assist a participant to manage challenges in their support environment and ensure consistent delivery of service. 

All participants receiving specialised support coordination receive tailored support to implement, monitor and review their support plans and reduce the risk and complexity of their situation.

Support Services Queensland achieves this through the following mechanisms: 

Participants are involved in the evaluation of their situation and have the right and freedom to identify the supports to prevent or respond to a crisis, incident or breakdown of support arrangements.

Suitable NDIS providers and mainstream services providers who have the appropriate skills and experience to deliver the required supports, will deliver such in accordance with the participant’s needs, preferences and circumstances.

SSQ will hold regular case meetings pertaining to the client and affiliated services to ensure goals are being met.

SSQ will facilitate capacity building for clients, families and carers to be able to progress and rely on their own support; to then implement their plan.

All staff involved in the provision of specialised support coordination understand the risk factors experienced by each participant with high risk and/or complex needs.

Participants undertake consultation with regard to their support network and mainstream services in planning and coordinating supports to implement their plan.

Suitable NDIS providers and mainstream services providers who have the appropriate skills and experience to deliver the required supports, will deliver such in accordance with the participant’s needs, preferences and circumstances.

All monitoring and reporting obligations in relation to their plan are managed effectively.

When clients are due for their review, the support Coordinator will ensure all relevant documentation from provision of all supports are up to date.

Feeling confused about the process or have questions about working with Support Services Queensland?

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